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Law Office of Corey L. Mills - Firm Overview

The Law Office of Corey L. Mills represents individuals and small business clients in bankruptcy and consumer law matters. Our mission is to “help good people fight bad debt,” and we apply a client-centered philosophy for all clients.

With friendly, professional service and a commitment to each client in every phase of representation, we are here to help you. It is imperative to us that the individuals and small businesses we consult with are aware of all available options for their specific situation, so we offer a free case evaluation with a lawyer at our firm to assist in making that determination.


Corey Mills is originally from the small west Texas town of Haskell, Texas. After graduating from Haskell High School in 1989, he attended Howard Payne University, a small private Baptist university in Brownwood, Texas. He graduated from HPU in 1994 with a double major in Psychology and Political Science. Corey then attended South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas, graduating in 1998. He then went into private practice in 1999 and has been practicing primarily consumer and small business bankruptcy law since 2001. Corey is married with three children. He enjoys reading, watching and playing baseball, and just hanging out with his family in his spare time.

it won’t be nearly as bad as you feared it would be